
We ship worldwide. Shipping price will be included in your overall purchase during checkout after entering your shipping address. Please note that dispatch takes up to 5 days for the item to be released from our warehouse. You will then receive an email with a notification regarding your order and tracking details.

All product prices displayed are exclusive of all taxes and duties. As the recipient, you are liable for all import duties, customs and local sales taxes levied by the country you are shipping to; payment of these is necessary to release your order from customs on arrival. As we are unable to advise the amount this may be, we will always seek your confirmation by email prior to dispatching an order. Please look out for this email to ensure timely dispatch of your order.

The address you provide us with upon check out will be used for delivery. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the delivery address they provided us with is correct. Please insure that there will be someone to receive the shipment upon arrival.

Estimated delivery time is up to 5 to 10 working days after dispatch.

For pre-order items estimated time of delivery will be included in the items page.


order tracking

Once your order has left us, you will receive an email containing an air waybill number to track its progress online. If you are a registered customer, you can also follow your delivery by signing into your account and selecting My Account, followed by Order Status.

If the item is pre-order, you will receive an email after checkout with an estimated time for delivery.

Our shipping partner, DHL, also offers you the flexibility to make changes to your delivery while your purchase is on its way to you. Enter your mobile number at checkout to receive an SMS notification after your order has been dispatched, follow the link provided and choose from a range of options including:

  • Rescheduling your delivery for a nominated day
  • Placing your shipment on hold if you are away from home
  • Arranging to collect your order from a DHL service point

To find out if On Demand Delivery (ODD) is available in your country, visit


Exchange & Returns

Shipping is complimentary on all exchanges, although customers outside Kuwait are responsible for taxes and duties. All Returned items should come in its original condition and should include all tags. Please make sure your items are returned new, unused and with all FOLKLORETHELABEL tags still attached. Returns that are used, damaged, or do not meet our policy will not be accepted and will be sent back to you.

Should you need to return your purchase, you have 20 days from receiving your order to arrange your exchange or return. It’s important that all orders be sent back from the same country it was delivered to. Orders sent back from a different destination may incur additional charges and be delayed in customs.

If you are in Kuwait, we can offer a return by pick up from the address you initially provided for delivery.

If we agree that you indeed have a faulty item the return cost is on us. Keep in mind that all orders are quality controlled before they are shipped.